Administrative Gliederung - Knox сounty
Knoxville Einwohnerzahl: 178874
- Amber Meadows
- Amherst
- Antioch
- Arlington
- Arminda
- Arrowhead
- Asbury
- Ashley Oaks
- Ball Camp
- Bearden
- Beech Grove
- Beechwood
- Bell Bridge
- Belle-Aire
- Belmont West
- Berkshire Wood
- Beverly
- Beverly Acres
- Black Oak
- Blue Grass
- Blueberry Hills
- Bonneville Estates
- Bonny Kate
- Bonta Vista Estates
- Boxwood Hills
- Boyd
- Brentwood
- Briarwood Estates
- Broad Acres
- Brookfield Acres
- Buffat Heights
- Burchfield Heights
- Burlington
- Byington
- Byrd Chapel
- Camelot
- Canby Hills
- Carpenter Addition
- Carter
- Caswell
- Cedar Bluff
- Cedar Crest North
- Cedar Flats
- Cedar Grove
- Cedar Springs
- Cedarchase
- Cherokee Ridge
- Cherrybrook
- Chilhowee Hills
- Choto Estates
- Clear Springs
- Colonial Village
- Concord
- Concords Woods
- Copper Ridge
- Corinth
- Corryton
- Coster Yards
- Countryside
- Crenshaw
- Crestwood Hills
- Crossfield
- Cumberland Estates
- Dante
- Deane Hill
- Dry Gap
- Eastwood
- Ebenezer
- Echo Valley
- Emory Estates
- Fair Oaks
- Farmington
- Farragut Einwohnerzahl: 20676
- Farrington
- Fieldview
- Forest Hills
- Forks of the River
- Fountain City
- Fountaincrest
- Fox Fire
- Franklin Hill
- Freeway
- Galewood
- Garland Einwohnerzahl: 320
- Glen Arden
- Glenwood
- Golden Meadows
- Grandview
- Graveston
- Green Valley
- Greenway
- Greenwood Forest
- Greenwood Heights
- Gulfwood
- Hallbrook
- Halls
- Halls Crossroads
- Happy Acres
- Harbison Crossroads
- Harrill Hills
- Heather Heights
- Heiskell
- Hendron
- Hickory Hills
- Hickory Woods
- Hidden Hills
- Hidden Valley
- High Bluff
- Highland View
- Holiday Hills
- Holston Hills
- Homestead
- Hunting Hills West
- Huntingdon Place
- Idlewood Acres
- Imperial Estates
- Inskip
- Island Home
- John Sevier
- Johnson Road
- Karns
- Kensington
- Kimberlin Heights
- King Arthur Court
- Kings Valley
- Kingsley Station
- Kingston Hills
- Kingston Woods
- Lake Forest
- Lakemoor Hills
- Lakewood
- Landmark
- Lazy Acres
- Lonsdale
- Loveland
- Lovell
- Lovell Heights
- Lyons View
- Lyonton
- Maloneyville
- Mapleview
- Marble City
- Marbledale
- Mascot Einwohnerzahl: 2411
- Mayview Heights
- McMillan
- Meades Quarry
- Meadowbrook
- Middlebrook Acres
- Middlebrook Heights
- Midway
- Mill Run
- Millertown
- Mockingbird Hill
- Montvue
- Mooreland Heights
- Moshina Heights
- Mount Olive
- Mule Hollow
- Murphy Hills
- Mynatt
- Neubert
- Neubert Springs
- New Hopewell
- North Hills
- North Knoxville
- Northbrook
- Northhampton Acres
- Northshore Woods
- Norwood
- Oak Grove
- Oak Grove Heights
- Oakland
- Oxmore Hills
- Pedigo
- Peters Mill
- Pine Springs
- Plantation Hills
- Pleasant Hills
- Pleasant Ridge
- Plum Creek
- Ponderosa Hills
- Powell
- Powell Heights
- Ramsey
- Rennbore
- Ridgedale
- Ridgeview Heights
- Ritta
- Riverbend
- Riverdale
- Twin Springs
- Virtue
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