Administrative Gliederung - Clay сounty
Manchester Einwohnerzahl: 1255
- Ammie
- Bernice
- Big Creek
- Bishop Bend
- Botto
- Chestnutburg
- Cottongim
- Creekville
- Eriline
- Felty
- Gardner
- Goose Rock
- Grace
- Gray Fork
- Jacks Creek
- Larue
- Lincoln
- Littleton
- Mouth of Hector
- Oneida Einwohnerzahl: 410
- Plank
- Pleasant Valley
- Portersburg
- Shepherdtown
- Sidell
- Spring Creek
- Teges
- Upper Horse Creek
- Urban
- Alger
- Ashers Fork
- Barcreek
- Benge
- Bluehole
- Brightshade
- Brutus
- Burning Springs
- Deer Lick
- Fall Rock
- Flatwoods
- Fogertown
- Garrard
- Hector
- Hensley
- Hima
- Hooker
- Laurel Creek
- Lebanon
- Marcum
- Mill Pond
- Mouth of Little Sextons Creek
- Murry
- Ogle
- Panco
- Park Valley
- Peabody
- Pigeonroost
- Queendale
- Sextons Creek
- Sibert
- Spurlock
- Tanksley
- Trixie
- Vine
- Wild Cat
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